전체 21,351건
번호 | 성명/학과 | 논문명 | ISBN번호 게재년월 |
99 | 김범석 기계·자동차공학과 |
[Nano Letters / AMER CHEMICAL SOC]
Enhanced boiling heat transfer using self-actuated nanobimorphs 성명김범석 학과기계·자동차공학과 ISBN번호1530-6984 게재년월2018-10 |
1530-6984 2018-10 |
98 | 김범석 기계·자동차공학과 |
[International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer / PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD]
Enhanced boiling heat transfer on nanowire-forested surfaces under subcooling conditions 성명김범석 학과기계·자동차공학과 ISBN번호0017-9310 게재년월2018-05 |
0017-9310 2018-05 |
97 | 김범석 기계·자동차공학과 |
[Applied Thermal Engineering / PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD]
Enhancing thermal stability and uniformity in boiling heat transfer using micro-nano hybrid surfaces (MNHS) 성명김범석 학과기계·자동차공학과 ISBN번호1359-4311 게재년월2018-02 |
1359-4311 2018-02 |
96 | 김범석 기계·자동차공학과 |
[Scientific Reports / NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP]
Nano-inspired smart interfaces: fluidic interactivity and its impact on heat transfer 성명김범석 학과기계·자동차공학과 ISBN번호2045-2322 게재년월2017-05 |
2045-2322 2017-05 |
95 | 김범석 기계·자동차공학과 |
[Applied Physics Letters / American Institute of Physics Publishing]
Interfacial wicking dynamics and its impact on critical heat flux of boiling heat transfer 성명김범석 학과기계·자동차공학과 ISBN번호0003-6951 게재년월2014-11 |
0003-6951 2014-11 |
94 | 김범석 기계·자동차공학과 |
Flow boiling heat transfer on nanowire-coated surfaces with highly wetting liquid 성명김범석 학과기계·자동차공학과 ISBN번호0360-5442 게재년월2014-11 |
0360-5442 2014-11 |
93 | 김범석 기계·자동차공학과 |
[Journal of Materials Chemistry A / ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY]
Post-heating effects on the physical and electrochemical capacitive properties of reduced graphene oxide paper 성명김범석 학과기계·자동차공학과 ISBN번호2050-7488 게재년월2014-04 |
2050-7488 2014-04 |
92 | 김범석 기계·자동차공학과 |
[Heat Transfer Engineering / TAYLOR FRANCIS INC]
Heat transfer and fluid flow on dimpled surface with bleed flow 성명김범석 학과기계·자동차공학과 ISBN번호0145-7632 게재년월2013-11 |
0145-7632 2013-11 |
91 | 김범석 기계·자동차공학과 |
[International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer / PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD]
Thermal characteristics of inclined plate impinged by underexpanded sonic jet 성명김범석 학과기계·자동차공학과 ISBN번호0017-9310 게재년월2013-07 |
0017-9310 2013-07 |
90 | 김범석 기계·자동차공학과 |
[Microelectronic Engineering / ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV]
Multi-variable thermal design of T-structured phase-change memory cell using advanced response surface method 성명김범석 학과기계·자동차공학과 ISBN번호0167-9317 게재년월2012-03 |
0167-9317 2012-03 |
89 | 김범석 기계·자동차공학과 |
[Journal of Materials Chemistry / ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY]
High-performance vertical hydrogen sensors using Pd-coated rough Si nanowires 성명김범석 학과기계·자동차공학과 ISBN번호0959-9428 게재년월2011-10 |
0959-9428 2011-10 |
88 | 김범석 기계·자동차공학과 |
[Nanoscale Research Letters / SPRINGER]
Over 95% of large-scale length uniformity in template-assisted electrodeposited nanowires by subzero-temperature electrodeposition 성명김범석 학과기계·자동차공학과 ISBN번호1556-276X 게재년월2011-07 |
1556-276X 2011-07 |